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ExamsAssist Order Form

Your Contact Details:

Data Contact Details:

If your school isn't already setup in SchoolWorkSpace. To setup your school we will send a data sharing email to this contact. *


* Please enter the details of the member of staff that is authorised to agree a data share with a third party product.
This should be the personal name and email address for a member of staff in the School / MAT with their work email address.
Please contact the member of staff to let them know to expect an email from Groupcall Xporter / Wonde requesting to share data.

Billing Contact Details:

Please enter details of the billing contact at the school

School Details:

LEA(3 digits) + Estab (4 digits)
Multi Academy Trust name if applicable

What MIS does your centre use?

How did you hear about us?

Exams Assist Module

* Only one trial per school - please do not select this option if you have already had a trial

** 1/2 day training (+ £379) supplied by EODS your details will be passed onto them to arrange. The training can only commence once payment has been made and must be taken within a year of purchase. The training does not have to be taken all at once and can be spread throughout the year of purchase.