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Exams Assist, Attendance Tracking, Room Booking, Welsh Curriculum, Parent's Evening, Messaging, Gradebooks and Seating Plans

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Exams Assist

The right support across all seasons

A new module to assist Exams Officers with managing the day to day running of an Exam Season.

The module will help with:

  • Review of entries

  • invigilators availability and scheduling

  • completing exam registers using a smart device

  • printing seating plans, candidate cards/labels

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Welsh Curriculum Planning, Tracking & Reporting

To support the Curriculum for Wales schools can define:

  • Faculties - logical groupings in the school

  • Schemes of Work - collections of lessons

  • Map Schemes of Work to the defined Descriptions of Learning, Four Purposes and Skills

  • Monitor coverage of all the Descriptions of Learning

  • Link Schemes of Work to teaching groups

  • Red Amber Green comment banks for each Scheme of Work for easy and consistent reporting

  • Teachers report on progress using auto created Gradebooks

  • Build end of term reports from Gradebook comments.

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Attendance Tracking

The Attendance Tracking module:

  • Set target attendance % - track by week the attendance against this target

  • Scan for "N" session attendance codes and send requests to parents to give a reason

  • Form for parents to submit an absent note.

  • Generate and send Letters based on attendance % (e.g. for poor attendance or for perfect attendance)

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Booking System

Room and Resources

Streamline the process for booking rooms and resources in our school, move away from the central diary in the office to a completely electronic system. Save time and paper, stop the double bookings by this great booking system. Simple to setup and simple for staff to log in and book a room/resource. Further details or to request a free trial, click on the link below.

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Meetings and Parents' Evenings

The right support for all meetings

  • Face to face or online

  • Quickly create a parents evening from group membership or timetable

  • multiple sessions, duration and gaps

  • Send invite emails to staff and parents

  • Real time booking status

  • on the evening real time status of video calls

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