What makes this solution tick...
Company number 10650807
VAT no. 415 9299 69
Registered office address
35 Chequers Court Brown Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom, SP1 2AS
email: support@schoolwork.space
Hosted on Microsoft Windows Azure, data is stored in Azure Table-storage for high availability, scalability, reliability and affordability.
CloudFlare CDN is used for SSL and script / image cacheing to improve site performance and protect from Denial Of Service attacks.
SchoolWork.space has been built using many components, many of which are listed below:
Groupcall Data, Login & Parental Communication
Microsoft Azure Application Hosting & Data Store
CloudFlare DNS, SSL, Analytics and Caching
Jquery jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library
font awesome The iconic font and CSS toolkit
Bootstrap Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for | developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web
Filedrop HTML5 & legacy file upload
imagelightbox Image Lightbox, Responsive and Touch‑friendly
introjs Better introductions for websites and features with a step-by-step guide for your projects
realfavicongenerator.net Create various sized favicons from an original
loading.io Animated loading gifs
online-convert.com Convert png to svg
unsplash.com A great source of royalty free images
pixabay.com Another great source of royalty free images
flaticon.com Icons
iDoRecall Comparison of JavaScript-WYSIWYG-editors
Trumbowyg WYSIWYG editor
emojify.js emoji
woofmark woofmark Markdown editor
HtmlSanitizer Check entered html for errors and scripts
css-tricks.com Drag and drop file upload
securityheaders.io HTTP response headers analysis and advice